October 2021 Retreat Recap M-Star Experience w/ Solara

After 18 months of rescheduling we were finally able to hold our retreat in early October 2021 in which I assisted with a Healing Hearts Journey’s retreat in Sedona, AZ. It was a great weekend of hiking, healing and exploring the great energies of the Red Rocks.

The ladies spent one morning with me building their M-Star, learning about the star and seeing how each person builds the star differently. When building the star each person receives codes that are directly related to their personal Divine Blueprint and experiences the energies of what the Star brings to them. All of us experienced a bit of a struggle when putting the two halves of the Star together. But once they saw and understood the pattern being created then the star came together with more ease.

I ended the session with an activation in the energies of the red rocks that attuned each of them to their star. They got to hear the Light Language of their soul, as only their soul at this point understands. The hair on our arms stood straight up with the intensity of the activation.

Here is a response from one of the attendees a few days after the event:

“I did bring it to the past life regression treatment we did on the last day of the retreat and that was phenomenal! I received so much healing and answers to things I couldn’t figure out and traumas that were still currently affecting me in this lifetime and stuck in me. That was the best past life regression I have done yet. My others previously were not that productive or healing.

I did mess around with resting a crystal (rainbow quartz) inside the star which blew my heart center immediately open and made the room spin. Lol but that’s about it so far. I did have to move it farther away from the bed I was in downstairs that night. But the last 3 days i forgot it was in the same room as me so I must be adapting. But I noticed I had my dreams of a parallel life those 3 days it was in the same room. And when i am near the m-star now i can feel a surging of energy waves going up and down my body when i lie down and focus.

I can say it was fun yet frustrating for me to build. When it came to joining the 2 pieces together, I couldn’t see the finished design in my head but eventually got there with your help. I found wrapping the joints though meditative and enjoyable.  I got lost and consumed in that process in a good way. Felt like I was in a deep bonding moment with my m-star! I really connected with it when I was wrapping it alone after everyone went to bed.”

Its my wish that as many of you as possible get the opportunity to create an M-Star for yourself. That is why I have created an online experience for more people to have that opportunity! Check it out on the M-Star page.

Many Blessings



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